Find the answers you need to the questions you have – anytime.
When you have questions about your Skytrust Bank accounts or our products and services, start here. We compiled the questions we receive most frequently from members so you can quickly find valuable information. If you need more assistance, please contact us. We are always happy to help.
You can also access several self-service forms to take care of business on your own.
You can also access several self-service forms to take care of business on your own.
Select a Topic:
Account Information
Our routing number is 253278401.
Name change requests can be submitted online by completing the Name Change request Form. This is for an account owner's name change on existing accounts. This cannot be used for a minor's name change or business accounts.
Online Banking Video Library
Learn about our Mobile app, Online Banking, and more.
Order Checks
When you run low on checks, follow this simple online process to order a new batch.
Financial Assistance
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or worrying about your situation, please reach out to us.
Financial Terms Explained
Understanding the language behind financial transactions and daily money management puts you in control.